use newssystem go create procedure pro_news( @pageIndex int, @pageSize int ) as declare @startRow int,@endRow int set @startRow=(@pageIndex-1)*@pageSize+1 set @endRow=@startRow+@pageSize-1 select * from ( select *,ROW_NUMBER() over (order by id asc) as number from news ) t where t.number between @startRow and @endRow; go exec pro_news 2,4
/* @CurrentPage为显示那一页, @PageSize为每一页显示几行, @Field_info为要显示的字段可以为*, @Table_info为要查询的表或视图, @Field_id 主键或唯一字段, @Field_Order 排序字段, @otherwhere为条件,不带“WHERE”, @RecordCount为总行数, OUTPUT @PageCount为总页数, OUTPUT @SQLSTR 若发生错误可通过此参数输出SQL语句 */ CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[xhcSp_RecordPager] @CurrentPage int =1, @PageSize int = 10, @Field_Info varchar(500), @Table_info varchar(100), @Field_id varchar(20), @Field_Order varchar(100), @otherwhere varchar(8000), @RecordCount int output, @PageCount int output, @SQLSTR varchar(8000) output AS begin DECLARE @MinPage int, @MaxPage int declare @sql varchar(8000) declare @sqlt nvarchar(4000) set @sqlt = 'SELECT @RecordCount = COUNT(' + @Field_id + ') FROM ' + @Table_Info IF @otherwhere != '' set @sqlt = @sqlt +' where '+@otherwhere exec sp_executesql @sqlt,N'@RecordCount int output',@RecordCount output --如何将exec执行结果放入变量中,如果是字符串就要用N,N后面的变量一定要和@sqlt里面的变量同名 IF @PageSize <= 0 begin set @PageSize = 10 end -- else if @PageSize > @RecordCount -- begin -- set @pageSize = @RecordCount -- end set @pagecount = @RecordCount / @PageSize if ((@recordcount % @pagesize) != 0) --如果除不净则加一页 begin set @PageCount = @RecordCount / @PageSize set @PageCount = @pagecount + 1 end else begin set @pagecount = @recordcount /@PageSize end IF @CurrentPage <= 0 begin set @CurrentPage = 1 end else if @CurrentPage > @pagecount begin set @currentpage = @pagecount --如果输入页数大于总页数则符最后一页 end SET @MinPage = (@CurrentPage - 1) * @PageSize + 1 SET @MaxPage = @MinPage + @PageSize - 1 BEGIN if @Field_Info like '' set @field_Info = '*' IF @otherwhere like '' set @sql = 'SELECT top '+str(@PageSize)+' * from (SELECT ' + @Field_Info + ' , row_number() over(order by ' + @Field_Order + ') as rownumber from ' + @Table_info + ' ) as TMP_TABLE where (rownumber between ' + convert(varchar(10),@minpage) + ' and ' + convert(varchar(10),@maxpage) + ') ' ELSE set @sql = 'SELECT top '+str(@PageSize)+' * from (SELECT ' + @Field_Info + ' , row_number() over(order by ' + @Field_Order + ') as rownumber from ' + @Table_info + ' where 1=1 and '+ @otherwhere +' ) as TMP_TABLE where (rownumber between ' + convert(varchar(10),@minpage) + ' and ' + convert(varchar(10),@maxpage) + ') and ' + @otherwhere EXEC(@sql) SET @SQLSTR = @sql END end
USE [DataBaseName]--数据库名 GO DECLARE @return_value int, @RecordCount int, @PageCount int, @SQLSTR varchar(8000) EXEC @return_value = [dbo].[xhcSp_RecordPager]--存储过程名 @CurrentPage = 1, @PageSize = 10, @Field_Info = N'*', @Table_info = N'dbo.TableName',--表名 @Field_id = N'title', @Field_Order = N'title', @otherwhere = N'1=1', @RecordCount = @RecordCount OUTPUT, @PageCount = @PageCount OUTPUT, @SQLSTR = @SQLSTR OUTPUT SELECT @RecordCount as N'@RecordCount', @PageCount as N'@PageCount', @SQLSTR as N'@SQLSTR' SELECT 'Return Value' = @return_value GO